Approved project
Noordoewer-Vioolsdrift Dam
Basic Information
Project Title | Noordoewer-Vioolsdrift Dam |
PIDA Sector | Trans-boundary Water |
PIDA Sub-sector | Water Transfer/Dam (Other) |
Member States | Namibia, South Africa |
Region | Southern Africa |
Beneficiary Countries | Namibia, South Africa |
Regional Economic Community | Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) |
Project Institution | Permanent Water Commission (PWC) - Namibia and South Africa |
Strategic Alignment and Regional Commitment
Source in the National Master Plan | Namibia -National Development Plan (NDP)5 ( ), South Africa-Department of Water and Sanitation Annual Perfomance Plan (DWS APP) 2019-22 ( |
Source in the REC Master Plan | ORASECOM IWRM Plan, Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan |
Brief Description of the Project | Orange River System (ORS) is one of the most highly developed River Systems in Southern Africa. In September 2015, Namibia and South Africa, under the auspices of the PWC, commissioned the Noordoewer / Vioolsdrift Dam (NVD) Feasibility Study, which aimed at identifying and optimising the best development dam size(s), site(s) and sequence of dam developments in the ORS needed to achieve the overall catchment objectives, to re-regulate the flows for ecological needs and to increase the yield in the Orange River System for use by both RSA and Namibia. The study was completed in May 2020. The study investigated many possible options and in 2016 initially concluded that the optimal NVD would have a wall height of about 73 m, with a storage capacity of 2,800 million m3 and would be of concrete faced rock fill type (CFRD). Certain limited further feasibility studies are required before the project can proceed to implementation. Such studies would include at least an independent review of the above findings, the finalisation of the exact parameters for the recommended optimal NVD in terms of size, site and type, and obtaining environmental authorisation for implementation. The development of the NVD project will involve the following further stages: • Further feasibility studies • Detailed designs, procurement and construction |
Objective and Rationale for the Project | The purpose of the Noordoewer/Vioolsdrift Dam (NVD) would be to: i) increase the long-term sustainable yield of the Orange River System to replace the loss in yield due to the planned commissioning of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project Phase 2 (LHWP-2) and associated transfers to the Vaal River System; ii) provide for the projected growth in water requirements in the Orange River System, specifically future large-scale irrigation developments in Namibia in the Lower Orange River System, both upstream and downstream of the proposed NVD site; iii) compensate for the impact of the implementation of the Reserve on the yield of the Orange River System; and iv) provide a re-regulation storage on the Lower Orange River to allow for releases to be made to correct the seasonal distribution of flows in accordance with the riverine Ecological Water Requirements (EWRs) in the Lower Orange River. |
Location/Site | The site of the proposed Noordoewer/Vioolsdrift Dam (NVD), to be constructed on the Lower Orange River, is located near the Vioolsdrift (South Africa) and Noordoewer (Namibia) border posts, with approximate coordinates as follows: 28°45’44.96’’S, 17°41’12.00’’E. |
Image/Map Files | Namibia-NVD.jpg |
Existing or Planned Projects along the proposed project | The project serves a planned infrastructure asset of another sector, but there is less than 50% overlap in the geography serviced by the proposed project and the other sector planned asset. |
Please provide more details for your choice above | This planned project is part of the entire Orange River System (ORS) and is supported from the existing regulation infrastructure/dams upstream in Lesotho and South Africa. |
Technical Specifications of the Project | The initially proposed NVD was sized as a concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD), with parameters as set out below, consisting of a side spillway, outlet works, hydroelectric plant, river flow gauging weir, etc. Parameter Description: Full Supply Level (FSL)-230 masl; Freeboard-12.5 m; Non-Overspill Crest (NOC)-242.5 masl; Lowest River Bed Level-162 masl; Dam Height up to NOC Level-80.5 m; Crest Length-1 km; Crest Width-10 m; and Embankment Slopes- 1V:1.4H. However, the exact dam parameters will be confirmed on completion of the further studies referred to above. |
Market Size | About 1.2 million people are within the project sphere of influence. The comparative advantage of agriculture in the area and high levels of unemployment best exhibits the NVD’s potential contribution to development in the region. The proposed NVD can potentially stimulate specific sectors that have some resonance in the particular environments of the area, specifically agriculture and tourism. Through targeted support measures that look to address the evident weaknesses in the local economic system, the project can have a remarkable developmental impact. |
Project Financial (in USD) | 501 million (Further feasibility studies-approximately $1 million; and Detailed design, procurement and construction-Approximately $500 million) |
Gender Procurement actions | Application of national policy and legal framework, ORASECOM and SADC framework on gender |
Last Milestone Known | S2B - Feasibility |
Project Contacts
Main Contact
Title | Ms. |
First Name | Maria |
Last Name | Amakali |
Position | Director, and PWC Namibia head of delegation |
Organisation | Directorate of Water Resource Management (Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry) |
Email 1 | |
Country | Namibia |
Additional Contact
Title | Mr. |
First Name | Livhuwani |
Last Name | Mabuda |
Position | Chief Director: Integrated Water Resource Planning, and PWC RSA head of delegation |
Organisation | Department of Water and Sanitation |
Email 1 | |
Country | South Africa |