Approved project
Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project
Basic Information
Project Title | Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project |
PIDA Sector | Transport |
PIDA Sub-sector | Road |
Member States | Benin, Cote d'ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo |
Region | Western Africa |
Beneficiary Countries | Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo |
Regional Economic Community | Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) |
Project Institution | ECOWAS Commission |
Strategic Alignment and Regional Commitment
Source in the REC Master Plan | ECOWAS Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan |
Brief Description of the Project | The project is being implemented in line with the decision of the Presidents of the five countries along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor in February 2014, to construct a 6-Lane (2x3) dual-carriage Highway from Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire through Accra, Lome and Cotonou to Lagos in Nigeria. The Abidjan-Lagos Corridor is approximately 1,080 km long, connects some of the largest and most economically dynamic cities in Africa, namely: Abidjan, Accra, Cotonou, Lomé and Lagos and covers a large proportion of West Africa’s population. It also links very vibrant seaports which serve all the landlocked countries of the region, being Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. In order to ensure a holistic transformation of the transport corridor into an Economic Development Corridor, the Programme has been packaged into several Components as follows: a. Feasibility Study and Environmental, Social Impacts Assessment (ESIA): This covers Feasibility study - engineering, financial, economic analysis (ii) detailed engineering design; (iii) PPP viability assessment for investment and operations of the corridor; Comprehensive impact assessment on all environment and social implication of the project including resettlement and compensation. b. Detailed Engineering Design: Detailed engineering design of the safe and effective implementation of the hard infrastructure that is fit for purpose and in compliance with best practice and national requirements. c. Corridor Spatial Development Study: An analysis of the physical, technical, policy, economic and market aspects of the corridor to develop a realistic, market feasible and implementable corridor investment masterplan, development framework and delivery strategy. The will identify “anchor projects” for the Corridor that naturally lead to upstream and downstream investments with the goal of creating an industrial cluster of new businesses offering increased employment. The anchor project will be in all economic sectors being transport, power, water, telecommunications, Agriculture, Mining etc. d. Corridor Management Authority Establishment and Operations – Finalize the Legal Framework and Institutional Structure and Establish the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Management Authority in line with the Project Treaty. e. Trade and Transport Facilitation – This include a review of the existing trade facilitation related studies and policies in operation along the corridor (ii) develop a harmonized and simplified sub-regional transportation and transit systems and border (one-stop) management. Scope to include ICT connectivity and information sharing between stakeholder platforms such as customs, immigrations and other border agencies at national and regional level; iii) initiate Implementation f. Technical Assistance Service to ECOWAS and Member States - Comprise capacity support to the ECOWAS and Member State agencies to effectively manage all the above service delivery components on behalf of ECOWAS. This will include: i) consulting and advisory services; ii) procuring office equipment; iii) conduct project visibility (marketing) activities; v) conducting regional workshops, and platforms for multi-lateral coordination activities, e.g. JTC and JSC meetings and study validation workshops g. Road Safety Audits – A Study on developing operational road safety systems, utilising safe design practices and international standards, to be implemented during the design and operational phase of a project to ensure safety of all road users. Project Oversight Responsibility Project Steering Committee: The Heads of State and Government also established a Steering Committee made up of the Ministers of Works/Roads to provide oversight guidance and the Commissioner for Infrastructure of the ECOWAS Commission. The Nigerian Minister in-charge of Road Works was designated by the Presidents as the Chair of the Steering Committee. At the 6th meeting of the Ministerial Steering Committee, the Ministers designated Cote d’Ivoire as the deputy Chair to the Steering Committee. Executing Agency The Heads of State at the outset also designated the ECOWAS Commission to coordinate and facilitate project implementation the project. In this regard, the Commission through its Department of Infrastructure serves as the Executing Agency for the project on behalf of the Corridor Member States, under the supervision of the Commissioner for Infrastructure. Establishment of Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Management Authority (ALCoMA) - Study on the Institutional and Legal Framework for the Establishment of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Management Authority (ALCoMA) completed - Intergovernmental Agreement for the Establishment of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Management Authority (ALCoMA) completed, validated by Corridor Member States and Signed by the Ministers in-charge of the Corridor project on 19th October, 2018 at Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Current Status - Contracts commenced in February, 2019 for the Feasibility and Detailed Engineer Design Studies for the entire 1080km. NOTE: The Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project (ALCHDP) which was conceived by the Heads of State and Governments of the five countries with a vision of transforming the Corridor into a homogeneous 6-lane supranational economic development corridor highway from Lagos to Abidjan with massive trade and transport facilitation components as well as homogeneous corridor management. A key component of this project is to develop a 6-lane dual carriage highway with the same standards, norms, dimensions, characteristics and management system. The Presidents of the five corridor countries signed a project specific Treaty which among others created a new Corridor Authority to own, construct, management and operate the Corridor Highway on behalf of the five countries. The Feasibility & Detailed Design Studies currently underway for the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project, is as part of technical studies, bench-marking the current status of the corridor (all existing or completed road sections, planned interventions by governments and partners, etc) to come up with a comprehensive design that meets the standards and objectives of a supranational dual carriage highway with a common set of rules, standards and dimensions. Following the spirit of the Treaty, the design will recommend upgrades or improvements for all such completed sections, if necessary, in other to meet the agreed dimensions or standards of the multinational highway. |
Objective and Rationale for the Project | The development objective of the project, when implemented, will generate social and economic activities, promote cross-border trade and integrate the economies within the ECOWAS Community. This will contribute to reducing the poverty levels of the population that depend on the transport modes of the corridor for livelihood. An outcome of this study is therefore to provide stakeholders with the tools and capability to make informed decisions on investment interventions and operating the corridor to meet the expected development objectives. Specifically, the project when implemented, will: i) Generate social and economic activities, promote cross-border trade and integrate the economies within the ECOWAS Community. ii) Contribute to reducing the poverty levels of the population that depend on the transport modes of the corridor for livelihood. iii) Improving the free movement of persons and goods among West African Member States. iv) reduction of trade and logistics costs between West and Central Africa v) reduction of corruption and loss of revenue along the corridors |
Location/Site | Abidjan-Accra-Lome-Cotonou-Lagos |
Image/Map Files | ![]() |
Existing or Planned Projects along the proposed project | The project serves an existing infrastructure asset of another sector, but there is more than 50% overlap in the geography serviced by the proposed project and the other sector existing asset. |
Please provide more details for your choice above | The West African gas Pipeline from Nigeria to Ghana covers over 80% of the corridor length and the feasibility studies of the Highway project is taking exploring the impact and catchment areas of both projects. Also, several fibre optic projects run along the corridor. In the Energy sector, the Interconnection Project Nigeria-Benin-Togo-Ghana-Côte d'Ivoire (WAPP 330 kV Mid-Dorsal Project) is also being considered in the Highway Spatial Development studies to ensure the maximization of the imapacts. |
Technical Specifications of the Project | The project comprises studies on the hard and soft aspects of the new highway infrastructure system, including social infrastructure. The highway will be a six-lane (3-lane dual) carriageway highway and the study will be based on one main principle. It shall primarily follow a new alignment, incorporating sections of the existing alignment, where necessary, for route optimization. To ensure effective operations and impact of the new highway, other study activities and output complementary of the technical design include: i) an establishment of a new supra-national corridor authority, and its framework for operations; ii) a spatial development framework and masterplan; and iii) trade, transport, transit and border procedures. |
Market Size | The Socio-Economic compoenent of the feasibility Studies will identify the impact of the solution adopted on women, children and the elderly; and secondary; on the progress and outcomes of the participatory approach by the populations, including the tasks that could be entrusted to the populations during the works phase and thereafter, during the lifetime of the Highway. The human environment in the Highway’s area of influence as well as the potential shall also be studied and analyzed; the obstacles and conditions for their proper development shall be set out in terms of the obligations of the populations and of the Government. Particular attention shall be accorded to the main cross-cutting themes. The different aspects presented hereunder shall be taken into account. |
Project Financial (in USD) | Estimated CAPEX: US$7 billion *********** Project Preparatory & Technical Studies - 45 million (Technical Studies & Project Management) |
Gender Procurement actions | SUPPLEMENTARY ACT A/SA.02/05/15 RELATING TO EQUALITY OF RIGHTS BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ECOWAS REGION (COPY ATTACHED) Article 44 : Access to Infrastructure Member States shall take measures to ensure the regulation and equal access of women and men to infrastructure, by improving their access to alternative infrastructure (ICT, and air, rail, river and road transport). Article 45 : Access to Energy Services Member States shall promote access to energy services for all, and particularly to increase access to energy services for rural and peri-urban populations in an equitable manner and without gender-related discrimination. Article 46 : Access to the Mining Sector Member States shall undertake to institute necessary measures to : (a) Facilitate the involvement of women in the mining sector value chain; (b) Facilitate equal access of women and men to funding for mining sector investments ; (c) Increase the level of involvement of women in the mining industry, (d) Facilitate women access to investments funds in the mining sector, (e) Strengthen the institutional, technical and financial capacity of women in the mining sector; (f) Encourage the establishment of women’s cooperatives in the mining sector. (g) Put in place mechanisms for the support and protection of women and children exposed to sex work and illegal work respectively. In view of the Regional Decision on Gender, the Socio-Economic component of the feasibility Studies will identify the impact of the solution adopted on women, children and the elderly; and secondary; on the progress and outcomes of the participatory approach by the populations, including the tasks that could be entrusted to the populations during the works phase and thereafter, during the lifetime of the Highway. The human environment in the Highway’s area of influence as well as the potential shall also be studied and analyzed; the obstacles and conditions for their proper development shall be set out in terms of the obligations of the populations and of the Government. Particular attention shall be accorded to the main cross-cutting themes. The different aspects presented hereunder shall be taken into account. Specifically the socio-economic analysis will encompass the following: Gender - general situation of gender inequality, and gender profile in the influence area of the project; - the level of women’s participation in economic activities, and the demand for transport, especially in relation to the main activities requiring travel; specify the means currently used; - development public or private actions initiated to reduce gender inequalities (types of program and development projects that target women); - situation of violence against women and female genital mutilation; |
Last Milestone Known | S2B - Feasibility |
Project Contacts
Main Contact
Title | Mr. |
First Name | Chris |
Last Name | Appiah |
Position | Principal Program Officer, Corridors and Maritime Transport |
Organisation | ECOWAS Commission |
Email 1 | |
Email 2 (Optional) | |
Country | Nigeria |
Additional Contact
Title | Mr. |
First Name | Pathe |
Last Name | GUEYE |
Position | Commissioner for Infrastructure |
Organisation | ECOWAS Commission |
Email 1 | |
Email 2 (Optional) | |
Country | Nigeria |